
WebView and Html - Handle HTML, CSS and Java Script

WebView is a complete simulation of web browser in Android View. If we want to load an HTML page in android application, WebView can do this for us. Note that HTML, CSS and Java Scripts is also supported. WebView is implemented as a subclass of View. Another limited version is also available in form Html class. We can parse HTML-formatted Strings in TextView using Html.fromHtml().

Picasso - An Android Library for Image caching, loading, resize & transform

Picasso is a library of SQUARE is used to thread and cache images asynchronously from server (Network), local storage (Disk or Memory) with some other cool functionalities like transform and resize of images. Normally, when we are working with images in mobile application, images loading is an pity issue. When application need to load many images at a time like in list-view or spinner, so due to huge load of it application may slow , crash due to not enough memory or scrolling issue than Picasso will help you a lot as well when you need to make a thumbnail of a heavy image.

Menus - Option Menu (Menu and App Bar)

It is the basic structure of menu item for an activity.

Scrolling Activity - Activity Scroll

The scrolling activity give a perfect and eye scathing view, in case when activity is long.

Simple and Custom Fonts

A set of presentable(Displayable and Printable) text characters in a specific size and style is known as Font.  Typeface is the type design for a set of fonts, whereas Font Family formed from varieties of that design.

Text To Speech - Speak the text

TextToSpeech library facilitate us to convert text in to voice in  a variety of languages. It have an  initListener, we must initialize the parameters of speaking like language setting etc. It have a variety of options like

TabLayout and ViewPager

Viewpager is used to slide/swipe through data in connection with fragments.

Custom ListView

ListView is a type of user interface and a view group that provide a view of list with scroll able items.The list items are auto inserted to the list using an Adapter. Adapter is bridge that coordinate between code of different nature.Here it insert content from a Java source to XML source. Java source may be an array or database query and XML are ListView and Spinner etc.Adapter will pick data items from Java source and place it as XML Spinner or ListView contents.

Google Map API/Sdk for Android Application

Google Map Server have an API or Maps SDK for Android applications. API includes add maps, map display, add markers, polylines, polygons based on Google Maps data to our application from Google Maps servers. It have a auto listener like map gestures (Zooming and Userview of Map) and two other listeners onMapReadyCallBack and onMapClickListener. We can customize the basic map user's view of a particular map area.

Side Bar - Navigation Drawer

Used to penalize the top level menu of application.

Bottom Navigation Bar - Tabs

Bottom Navigation Tabs is Bottom Tier/Layer of tabs, to perform some function when user click this tabs. It consists of three to five tabs. Normally we load fragment on tap of this tab. Tabs is designed with icon and its name in text.

SQLite Database Update Operation Query

If we want to update the recored in sqlite Database we have two condition to update it.

Database Operation Part 02 - Update and Deletion

Android Studio SQLite as a DBMS. Here we will discuss Update and Delete operation from CRUD operation of Database.

Database Operation Part 01 - Insertion and Selection

Android Studio SQLite as a DBMS. Here we will discuss Insert and Select operation from CRUD operation of Database.

Instant Run in Android Studio

Previously we discussed,  How to Run Android Application?  Here we will discuss the Android Studio instant run feature.

Make a Phone Call & Dial Number Using Intent

Intent is asynchronous message between components of application or with other application. Here we will call and feed number to dial-pad from our application to the Android System default Calling application using Intent.

User Permission - Install and Run time Permission

To use sensitive feature or data of Android System or User, application must get permission of doing it. It;s the privacy of Android System User. Depend on system feature, if its not much harmful for user than get it during installation, otherwise application need to get it using popup before using the feature at run time.

Content Provider - How to get data from Content Provider?

It is a shared set application data, stored on a steady and persistent storage like file, web, Database etc. Other application can query the application on request.

EditText Remove Focus - Hide & Show Keyboard

EditText have the highest priority of focus. Keyboard quick show up, when an Activity have an EditText in any place without in notice of others view of it. When we need to remove focus or to show keyboard when required, we have two methods to follow for achieving it.

Rounded Background of View - EditText, Button Circular Background

Make XML file in  res/drawable/rounded_edittext.xml

Sign Up Screen - Form

Here we will design a Sign Up Screen. Normally this consists of User detail and Password EditText and a Sign Up Button. Note that In the code the resources used in XML code is the local resource of author. User must need to place the resources with same name or change name of it in code. Resources includes drawable images, color and strings.

Login Screen - Form

Here we will design a Login Screen. Normally this consists of User Name or Email and Password EditText and a Login Button. Note that In the code the resources used in XML code is the local resource of author. User must need to place the resources with same name or change name of it in code. Resources includes drawable images, color and strings.

Android Application Component - Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver, Content Provider

Application Components are the essential factors of application. Each can be entrance to the application. Each must be register in AndroidManifest.xml file with short detail like intent-filter etc. and interaction of them.

User Interface Design Tags & Its Attributes

Android Design is based on XML design which consists of tags and its attributes. XML is the advance form HTML. Here is the short introduction of XML tags and attributes. RelativeLayout is the container which its child relative to each other or relative to itself. like At bottom, vertical center, left to some other button or text etc.  LinearLayout is the container to place its child vertical or horizontally one after another. android:layout=”vertical” or android:layout=”horizontal” is used to place its child vertically and horizontally. Button tag is used to create Button, TextView for label, ImageView for Image holder, ImageButton for Image and Button combination like view, RadioButton for options to choose one between then, CheckBox for multiple options selection for multiple, ListView to populate list like contact list, GridView to make Grid of View image Gallery Grid.


It's asynchronous message among components of application or with other application. Component of application includes Activity, Service and BroadcastReceiver. Android application components(Activity,Services,BroadcastReceiver) can connect other components or to other Android applications. Intents is a built in class of the android.content.Intenttype. We can send them to the Android system defining the components you are targeting for example Android application components(Activity,Services,BroadcastReceiver) or other application.

Application Localization - Android Studio

To make Android applications multilingual; make translated text strings file in values. After translation process , Android Operating System will pick the assets that match client’s or user language. In the event that your application is accessible in a few languages, Android operating system will choose the language that the tally with the device language. Android Operating System loads content/text/strings and media assets from the undertaker's ‘res’ folder. Also, Android can choose and stack assets from various folder, in light of the present device configuration and area like language.

Spinner & ListView

Spinners is a type of user interface that facilitate a smart selection of item from a set of items. It's also known as Drop-down. On Touching the spinner provide a drop-down menu of set of items, by default it shows a currently selected item.

Layout - Android User Interface

Layout is a container to the view. Every Layout has its own nature. Other View such as Button, TextView etc. are nested in Layout and arrange its position according to their parent layout. We can nest one layout within another. There are different type of layout, each have their own method of arrangement of their child.

Calculator Design - Sample Project

To day we will try to design the simple calculator application. Lets start

Sharing via Intent - Text and Image Sharing

We can share Image as well text using Intent, as Intent are the asynchronous messages between components of application or with third part application.

Calculate Distance(In KM) between two Locations

Use this method to calculate distance between two location in Kilometers. Note that Location is combination of Latitude and Longitude.

Check Internet Connection - Is Device connected to Internet?

Use this method to check whether device is connected to internet or not? We use it in kind of check when we need to perform and internet base task in application. Like while Login we need to check if device is connect to Internet, if yes than we perform Login process otherwise application will show Internet Connection error message to user.

OnItemClickListener not Working

When we are working with custom Listview, than normally this error happen due to confusion of Listener of Listview and it sub views Listener like the OnclickListener of Button within item of Listener and Listview OnitemClickListener. To resolve this confusion, write this attribute in root Layout or parent layout.

Gradle failed to resolve OR

Add  maven { url "" }  to list of repositories in project level build.gradle as

Material Design - EditText

Mostly used User Interface widget, used to take inputs from the user. It have a hint attribute, which hide while typing. After hiding the hint it becomes a problem to guess the EditText without label. Material Design is solution to this problem. A new idea of floating labels was introduced in material design to overcome this issue. Here EditText initially showed a label as a hint; but when user start input data in the EditText, that hint disappear from EditText and moves up to the top of the EditText as a floating label. We will use a Tag of material design; TextInputLayout around the EditText.


SharedPreferences is a way to store small amount of data to disk in the form of key-value pairs.


Notification is a short message manage by Android Operating System for applications. It is appears outside of application interface, normally at the top bar of device known as "notification bar". It is timely reminder information to the people from application or from server. It have a short reminder information with some actions like open application with click etc.

Connect NOX Adb with Android Studio - Debug Apps with Emulator

Nox Player is an Android Studio third party emulator to run application. You can download it from its web site .Enable root startup in setting nox player

Object Oriented Programming - OOP Concepts

Object Oriented programming is a modern programming management technique.

Login Screen: Remember Me Example

We observed to save a credentitial of site in browser cache. Now we will learn; how to cache the credntitials in Android Application?

New Project Creation : Hello World Application

Create New Project Step by Step as Click on “Start new Android Studio project”

Run My Application

After coding, we need to test run the application on device or emulator. For this purpose we would go through a running configuration and procedure.

Android Studio: A short Description

Android Studio is Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Development of Application for Android Platform. It’s based on Java IDE named  IntelliJ IDEA .  IntelliJ IDEA is Code Editor and development tool for Java IDE.

Android Operating System

Android is a Linux based  framework it is composed fundamentally for touch screen cell phones, for example, advanced cells and tablet PCs and now its available also for Wears, Auto and TV. The working framework have built up a great deal in most recent 15 years beginning from highly contrasting phones to late advanced cells or scaled down PCs. A standout among the most generally utilized versatile OS nowadays is android. The android is programming that was established in Palo Alto of California in 2003.

Coding Convention - Android Development

Coding convention is the community defined rules for programmer, which will not harm coding but is a good programming practice to have a same rule for all community.