Object Oriented Programming - OOP Concepts

Object Oriented programming is a modern programming management technique.
It is the blueprint or sketch of object.
It is realization of class or in other word blueprint.
When access to attributes is through some proper process. It may be through method, class or interface.
When one class inherits the properties and attributes of another class. In other words, it’s called overriding.
It means many shapes or forms. When method or constructor of same hit by some parameters considerations. Parameters are Number of argument, Sequence of Argument, Data type of argument and return type of argument. In other words, it’s called overloading.
Specifying a framework and hiding implementation level detail. Solidity will be make on front of abstraction, which will provide a sketch during implementation. It reduces complexity by hiding low level detail. e.g. Electric switch hide the complexity of internal wiring by providing switch interface.
It’s the relationship between two objects and define abundance between objects. It has of type one to one, one to many, many to one and many to many.  e.g. Faculty and Student have an association.
It’s the directional associations between two objects. It specifies, which object contains other object. When an object “has-a” another object than it became aggregation. e.g. Library has a Book.
A restricted aggregation is called composition. When an object contains another object and also contained object existence is dependent on container object. If container not exist, then there is no exist. e.g. Class has a Student, if there is no class there will be no Student. Library has a Book, if no Library Then Book still exist.
Dependency is, when Change in one class structure or behavior affects the other related class.
“Is A” is a relationship, which redirect it from specialization toward generalization. More specifically, it’s Inheritance. e.g. Student and Faculty is a special type of Person.
It’s the relation between the blueprint and object class, that have its implementation detail. This object realizes the blueprint class. More specifically, relation between software interface and implementation detail. e.g. Swift Model realize Car Abstraction.
